AMSTERDAM, 17 October 2018 – Today the City of Amsterdam, Circle Economy and Copper8 launch ‘Amsterdam Circular: evaluation and action perspectives’ a comprehensive consolidation of insights from the practical implementation of 70+ circular projects in the circular City of Amsterdam and is validated by 100+ local businesses. The in-depth insights of the full report span eight municipal instruments applied over five value chains and offers practical action perspectives for cities to effectively accelerate their transition towards a circular future. Further buildings on these insights, City of Amsterdam and Circle Economy also launch a digest ‘Municipal policy for the circular economy: Lessons learned from Amsterdam’ which translates the key learnings Amsterdam’s circular projects into 17 practical actions for urban policymakers to accelerate circularity.[cta link="" ]Download the full report[/cta][cta link="" ]Download the digest[/cta]Sharing learnings from Amsterdam’s 70+ projectsThe ‘Amsterdam Circular: evaluation and action perspectives’, is the second release in the three-part series that shares the most recent insights from Amsterdam’s pioneering journey towards a circular economy. With the momentum behind the circular economy only growing, it is important to consolidate and share these on-the-ground learnings of a frontrunning city to identify key municipal instruments that can accelerate a city’s transition towards circularity. Policy to boost the circular economyThe transition towards a circular economy is no easy feat, and can only be realised through effective engagement of, and collaboration between business and government alike. Throughout their journey to become fully circular by 2050, the City of Amsterdam has recognised the importance of such a holistic approach; actively encouraging the experimentation and implementation of circular strategies, enabled through a number of municipal instruments. This proactive ethos has resulted in the completion of over 70 circular projects throughout the city. Ultimately, in order to help spark a circular transition globally, it is important to consolidate these pioneering insights into practical actions that other city leaders can adopt. Evaluation of 100+ businesses in 73 circular projects over 5 value chains. The Amsterdam Circular: evaluation and action perspectives is the outcome of an extensive and collaborative project carried out by Circle Economy and Copper8 in 2018. The study, commissioned by the City of Amsterdam and the first of its kind in the world, conducted a thorough evaluation of the 73 completed circular projects in the city through participatory workshops and interviews with the 100+ companies involved. The report Amsterdam Circular, evaluation and action perspectives not only provides a thorough evaluation of eight key municipal instruments, but also analyses the progress of the circular economy in five value chains of the national Transition Agenda, including construction, consumer goods, and biomass. From these detailed insights, five key actions perspectives were created to continue the city’s momentum towards becoming a fully circular city.
We are facilitating and supporting people who actually want to do business in a circular economy, who want to reuse things, who want to have a minimal footprint. We have started 70 projects, from which we learn. Learn both from the mistakes we make but also from the successes we have, to make sure that these projects are examples, and they can inspire others to do the same.” - Marieke van Doorninck Deputy Mayor Sustainability of Amsterdam.- Marieke van Doorninck, Deputy Mayor Sustainability of Amsterdam
17 practical actions to boost the circular transition in citiesResulting from the practical evaluation of Amsterdam’s diverse portfolio of over 70 circular projects, the City of Amsterdam and Circle Economy also, today, launch ‘Municipal policy for the circular economy: Lessons learned from Amsterdam’ a practical consolidation of the full Amsterdam Circular, evaluation and action perspectives report. The summary generates 17 actionable recommendations for urban policymakers throughout the world to boost circularity. Focusing on five of the municipal instruments that have been instrumental throughout Amsterdam’s circular journey, the Municipal policy for the circular economy report highlights tangible actions to boost circularity through Legislation, Spatial planning, Circular public procurement, Business support and Knowledge instruments. Illustratively, the insights generated from Amsterdam’s experiences highlight not only the market demand that can be generated through the incorporation of circular economy criteria into the tendering process but also importance for alignment over municipal departments.[cta link="" ]Download the full report[/cta][cta link="" ]Download the digest[/cta]
The launch of the two reports, Amsterdam Circular: evaluation and actions perspectives, and the Amsterdam Evaluation Digest marks the second chapter in a three-part series that aims to break down three of the key questions that cities face when transitioning towards a circular economy. Each entry in the ‘Circular Journey of Amsterdam’ series sees the launch of, partner, Circle Economy’s latest report and insights from the City of Amsterdam and will tackle three key questions;
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