Today a broad coalition of Dutch companies, research institutes and organisations, including Circle Economy, appeal to the Dutch government to prioritise the SDGs within the upcoming government coalition agreement. All signatories, now already including 118 organisations, appeal to the current coalition negotiator Edith Schippers, to make sure that policy is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which the Netherlands has committed in 2015: “We - a coalition of companies and social enterprises - cannot stress the importance of the SDGs more as a tool to create a sustainable society now and for future generations. They are vital for our global society, but also enable a healthy and resilient Dutch Economy.After the Dutch elections in May, the appointed coalition negotiator Edith Schippers is meeting with all elected political parties to explore the common ground in the proposed election programme's. The coalition of Dutch companies and organisation is now appealing to negotiator Edith Schippers, to steer towards a government that prioritises sustainable policy and centralises our commitment to achieve the SDGs. By doing so, a more balanced world will be made more tangible - prioritising issues as the transition to renewable energy, (over) production and consumption, poverty, hunger, health, inequality and climate change on a local, national and global level. The signatories are appealing the new government to:
Read more about the participating organisations, the appeal to the Dutch Coalition Negotiator and how to join here (dutch).